Fabienne Charmeroy
Marketing Director at Nestlé Waters
Marketing Director at Nestlé Waters
- What are/were you doing at Nestlé Waters?
I was Marketing Director at Nestlé waters and member of CEO, managing a team of 30 people : product managers, survey department, consumer service, thermal resorts.
- What are/were your main responsibilities?
To be in charge of the brand manangement of brands such as Perrier, Contrex, Vittel, Hepar. I also way responsible for the respect of the profit and loss accounts.
Development and launches of successful products was also a part of my job : Vittel sport's cap, P'tit Vittel, Quezac.
- What are for you the emotions that can be used by a product manager for branding plain bottled water?
Many emotions, water is the element, without it we cannot survive. Emotions and product reality should be linked to express youth, vitality, beauty, well-being, purity, feast...
- What are the added-values in order to perform as a plain water brand?
As for every brand, brand positioning is essential, it is the heart of a brand added-value. Once it is well defined and that you have checked it is relevant, you need to work on each element of the marketing mix to provide value. Porter is always in your mind....
- What associations can create long durable brand awareness and knowledge?
If the brand positioning is clear and relevant like for Contrex, you need to be consistent about the message itself but you can be inspired by what is happening. Have a look to the new Contrex tv ad...
- What would be your advice to a young product manager on the water brand market?
My advice would be to keep what is working and try to change what should be. But not only on water brand market....